Mary Street, Built Out Pedestrian Refuge – Kilcoy – The reason behind this decision.
Doctor Weller is seeking to relocate the pedestrian refuge as explained:
As at 18th February 2021:
Work has commenced and almost completed for a pedestrian refuge at 42 Mary Street Kilcoy.
This is immediately outside a busy medical practice and removes ALL immediately accessible parking for unwell,elderly, disabled and people with wheelchairs,walking aids etc.
The most utilised pedestrian access is to IGA 3 parking spaces away .
Dr Weller asked permission to use my reply email as my position in this matter. I am more than happy for Dr Weller to share my position with our residents.
To assist the publication of my position, I offer the advice over social media for wider distribution.
Dear Mark
Since, your question about the placement of the built out pedestrian refuge, I have retrieved the minutes of Council’s Ordinary Meeting dated 13 November 2019, whereby the report regarding parking options in Mary Street, and which includes all scenarios and supporting data is tabled.
I was approached by a business owner on 30 October 2019 regarding the preliminary plans and the proposed location of the built out pedestrian refuge. The business owner believed that the proposed site would have resulted in eight lost car parking spaces in front of the businesses. The business owner suggested, after alleged discussions with you, that the refuge be placed closer to your surgery. My understanding was “you were not opposed to the idea”.
I took this request to Council at the 13 November 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, and the Officer’s report already records that “The pedestrian refuge is considered an essential requirement of the project (Mary Street). The final location remains under review but will be positioned to minimise the impact on parking to local business”.
I believe the request from the business owner was honoured and this is reflective of what has now occurred.
When checking the Kilcoy traffic flow and safety improvements plan (July 2020), I am unable to find a better location than what is illustrated on the plan.
I know you have said to me that the refuge should be located across from the stairs that lead to the IGA store. However, and I am not an engineer, but I would be very concerned for our elderly, our sick or injured residents trying to get across Mary Street so close to the intersections of Royston and Mary Streets.
I trust the integrity of this CBD traffic flow and safety improvements project. As I have already stated at the two meetings that occurred between yourself, Garth Duffy, Marty & Lisa Tanwan, Joey Walker, I am not an engineer and I am not a truck driver, but I trust these professionals’ judgement. The feedback to me, is that, this project will result in major traffic flow and safety improvements for Kilcoy. The speed limit has been reduced to 50kph; however, we must ensure that all road users obey this rule. No Excuses!!!
Mark, as a side issue, can I ask if any of your patients are aware of the parking area behind the surgery? I have parked there a couple of times, but it appears to be underutilised. It will not suit all patients, but it will assist many.
In my role as Councillor, I will be advocating for a robust streetscaping plan, and one that seeks community consultation. This must be done correctly and reflect community’s perception. As the project is advancing, I am receiving less and less negative comments. I believe residents are only just starting to see the benefits this enormous project will bring to Kilcoy.
I will be interested to revisit this conversation this time next year with you Mark.