Category Archives: General News

Acknowledgement of Service – Cr Cheryl Gaedtke

Category : General News

Minutes of Ordinary Meeting
13 March 2024

Acknowledgement of Service– Cr Gaedtke
File Ref: Mayor and Councillor Reports
Action Officer: EA

Cr Gaedtke’s career within Somerset Regional Council stands as a testament to her dedication
to our community’s welfare and advancement. Over nearly four decades of service, she has
left a mark on the region, shaping its future for the better.

With 39 years of committed service, including 31 years as a staff member and eight years as
a councillor, Cr Gaedtke has illustrated the essence of public service. Her tenure has been
characterised by a commitment to enhancing the lives of residents and driving meaningful
progress within Somerset Regional Council and the former Kilcoy Shire Council. As a
motivated figure within council, she has played a vital role in fostering collaboration and
advancing effective strategies to address community needs.

Cr Gaedtke’s involvement with the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) committee has
been a source of pleasure and fulfilment, allowing her to support and promote the arts within
the region. Additionally, her engagement with various community committees has given her
fond memories and invaluable experiences representing and engaging with a diverse array of
people. These interactions have enriched her understanding of the community’s needs and
aspirations, further fuelling her dedication to serving its interests.

Cr Gaedtke’s legacy is ingrained in the fabric of Somerset Regional Council. Her dedication
has set a high standard for public officials, inspiring others to work hard and honestly for local

As Cr Gaedtke prepares to embark on the next chapter of her journey, we extend our gratitude
for her service and contributions to Somerset Regional Council. We wish her a retirement filled
with joy, longevity, and the opportunity to pursue her passions and dreams.

THAT Council receive the report ‘Acknowledgment of Service – Cr Gaedtke’ and it be placed
on the public record as an expression of sincere gratitude for her thirty-nine years of committed
service to Somerset Regional Council and former Kilcoy Shire Council, serving as both an
employee and Councillor.
Moved – Cr Whalley
Seconded – Cr Brieschke

“THAT Council receive the report ‘Acknowledgment of Service – Cr
Gaedtke’ and it be placed on the public record as an expression of
sincere gratitude for her thirty-nine years of committed service to
Somerset Regional Council and former Kilcoy Shire Council, serving as
both an employee and Councillor.”
Vote – Unanimous

Cr Gaedtke – Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting – 13 March 2024

Category : General News

Queensland will be the biggest loser from the latest GST carve-up among the states and territories, the Commonwealth Grants Commission has revealed.  In its latest report on Tuesday, the commission revealed Queensland’s share of GST in 2024-25 would be cut by nearly $500m on last year’s figure, to $17.46bn, while other states will also lose, and other states will benefit from the proposed changes.  How will this impact Queensland Local Government?

I have had a very sick husband for the past four weeks and shingles has caused him to suffer with severe nerve pain in the left side of his head, with very little successful pain control.  This has made me realise what is important in life, and what is not.  Yesterday, I was made aware of a third news article by close friends, that once again attempts to discredit me as a councillor for a live 20 second .  As human beings we all make mistakes, but we must own our mistakes and learn by them, enough said.  It is totally un-Australian not to be able to voice your opinion openly, responsibility and professionally.  The perpetrator this time may have shown the true character.  As I said after the second news article, some 13 months ago, I pray for the soul of this tormented individual.   I believe almost 40 years loyal service to Local Government outweighs one minor error of judgement.

As per Council Ordinary Meeting Minutes:

Matters of public interest – Cr Gaedtke
I read this morning that Queensland will be the biggest losers in the GST carve up amongst
the States. The Commonwealth Grants Commission has revealed this unfortunately. So, in its
latest report on Tuesday, the Commission revealed Queensland share of GST in 2024 – 25
will be cut by nearly five hundred million dollars so that’s a cut on last year’s things of 17.46
billion dollars. So, all I’m thinking, other states are losing obviously, other states are gaining.
Queensland’s not gaining, it’s losing and I wonder how this impact will affect Queensland local

And secondly, and this pain’s me having to raise this but I think I’m entitled to do
this. I’ve had a very sick husband for the past four weeks and shingles has caused him to
suffer with severe pain on the left side of his head with very little successful pain control. It’s a
horrendous health condition. And if I can just implore everyone who’s had chicken pox or even
if you’re not sure about chickenpox please give them their vaccination. Shingles is a horrible
thing to go through I’m sitting and watching it as we speak now. So, this has made me realise
what is important in life and what’s not.

Yesterday I was made aware of a third news article by a close friend. My friend tells me that
it’s about a live 20 second video that I did back in May 2022 at the opening of the Toogoolawah
Gym and Pool. It was the official opening. Yes, I did a 20 second live video tape which was
against policy and the funding agreement from the state government as it funded most of that
structure. So, once again this individual attempt to discredit me as a councillor through printed
articles. This is the third one, the third one since May 2022. I’ve made mistakes but we own
our mistakes and learn by them. That’s enough said because we’re human beings. So it’s to
me it is totally un-Australian not to be able to voice my opinion openly and responsibly and
professionally as I did in the newspaper back on the sixth of March 2024 about how I found
local government over 40 years and who my preferred candidates are to lead this council in
the right direction over the next four years and beyond. So, the perpetrator this time they’ve
shown their true character by the article that appears in a local newspaper. As I said after the
second news article some 13 months ago, I prayed for the soul of this tormented individual. I
believe my 40 years of loyal service to local government outbreaks one minor error of
judgement. Thank you

Print and Social Media news release – Cheryl Gaedtke – Outgoing Councillor

Category : General News

Print and Social Media news release – Cheryl Gaedtke – Outgoing Councillor

I read with great interest the number of Mayors and Councillors who are farewelling their public role and catching up with long held dreams, unreached goals or just to have more time to spend with family and friends, or even to undertake more seriously other passions or hobbies.

After 39 years of working for Local Government,  31 years of that time as a staff member and then eight years as a councillor, I possess a great deal of knowledge, experience and memories. I hear you ask why would anyone stay in one job their whole career? That question is easy to answer, it is all about what can be achieved for our communities by working as a strong, dedicated and collaborative team. The team consists of the Mayor, councillors, council staff, and, at various times, community and/or business representatives.

I’m proud to be involved as a team player in the achievements of Somerset Regional Council and the former Kilcoy Shire Council, representing a collective effort toward meaningful progress and a positive impact on the community. The dedication to serving the region, fostering growth, and enhancing the quality of life for residents resonates deeply. Through collaboration and cooperation with colleagues, stakeholders, and community members, it is fulfilling to implement effective strategies, address challenges, and achieve notable successes for the community.

Local Government is not recognised in the Australian constitution. Therefore, local councils operate under the supervision and delegation of state government. And there lies the challenges for local government. I have seen many changes over my career, but nothing like has occurred over the past four to five years. Sadly, due to the corrupt actions of only a few about six years ago, all other councils have been tarred with the same brush and continue to fight for a common sense approach to governance. During my career, I have seen councils that become dysfunctional and often, it is due to personality differences.

So, after vetting telephone calls and face to face conversation, I believe that as a retiring councillor for our beautiful region, I have a responsibility to voice my experience, and to voice my knowledge acquired for Somerset Regional Council since amalgamation of Kilcoy and Esk Shire Councils in 2008.

Come 16 March 2024, you as a voting resident of our region will have the right to express your preference for our Mayor and our six councillors.  Please make your vote count by completing a formal vote that records your choice of Mayor as one ballot paper and your choice of six councillors on another ballot paper.

Quite openly, my vote for Mayor will go to Cr Jason Wendt.  I have worked with Jason for four years, and it has been refreshing to work with someone who draws on his curiosity, integrity, honesty, intelligence and fair play to fulfil this public role as councillor.  These qualities will carry him through to competently fulfill the Mayoral role.  As I have said to others, Jason will lead our region in the manner we deserve to be led, with fresh eyes and ongoing commitment and drive.

The Mayor sits at the very top of the council organisational structure.  This position is in charge.  The six councillors are positioned below the Mayor with the CEO appearing below the councillors.  The Mayor and councillors are appointed twenty-four/seven in their public role, their attitude, their behaviour, their values, even their morals are reflected on the council.  Council’s image, its ability to govern, and much more can be impacted by a departure from any of the above values.  Our council in my opinion, must also remain apolitical.

So, when you mark the ballot paper, please consider the seriousness of your vote.  I urge you to talk to each candidate, ask them questions, get to know them a little better, so you can be confident to cast your vote.  Councillors Helen Brieschke and Bob Whalley are two such councillors with a breadth of information, experience and knowledge.  They will be the stabilizing members to the newly elected council of six.  As I said prior, give serious consideration to the Mayor and six candidates you choose, remember you will have them for four years.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 21 February 2024

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 21 February 2024

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Brand new bush food garden at Kilcoy State High School
Despite the wet weather, an enthusiastic crowd from the Kilcoy community group showed up with smiles on their faces to see the new site for the Kilcoy State High School bush food community garden. The development of this project is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the importance of the Jinibara people as part of the rich history of the Kilcoy region.
This project is a collaborative effort of the local community group, Healthy Land & Water, and the local school. Students from the agriculture program, along with their teachers, Liz Carter and Karen Martin, are in the process of designing the garden and will be planting carefully selected bushfood plants in this space.

Greg and Andrea Huglin Movie Making Magic with Noosa Film Academy – proudly an RADF Project

Andrea said “I always say Community Filmmaking is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get!  On Saturday I think we got phenomenal acting and I thought the story developed was extremely entertaining”.   Due to a family member’s ill health I was unable to attend any of the RADF funded community filmmaking.  I wish to thank Cr Wendt for attending most of the filmmaking sessions held at our schools located at Lowood, Toogoolawah, Kilcoy and finally the community filmmaking day at Fernvale.  I especially enjoy watching our young leaders working with the camera and the action que.  I am sure a great deal of experience and knowledge was shared by all those involved.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 24 January 2024

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 24 January 2024

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Congratulations to the Linville Hotel who are thrilled to announce that they are finalists in the Best Pub Stay category of the 2023 National Grey Nomad Awards.

Happy 5th birthday to Yowie parkrun, and who are inviting interested residents to attend the parkrun on Saturday 3 February 7:00am behind the Kilcoy Information Centre dressed in your most colourful running attire. Yowie parkrun commenced on the first Saturday of February 2019, with 2,023 participants who have completed 6,557 parkruns covering a total distance of 32,785 km including 840 new personal bests.  A total of 157 individuals have volunteered 2,013 times.

Research for the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) has revealed councils are picking up a massive $360 million tab each year to deliver services that are the responsibility of other levels of government and the private sector.  It’s a huge cost shift to local governments, which are being forced to step in without adequate funding to fill others’ gaps, as well as keep providing all of their own core council services to communities.  With councils receiving just three cents in every dollar of tax raised in Australia, with around 80 cents going to the Federal Government and the rest to the states, councils are the lowest funded level of government.  LGAQ are seeking every  council’s support of its campaign and to join the call for an end to State and Federal government cost shifting, and for a fairer share of funding that local communities not only need, but deserve.

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 21 December 2023 – Councillor Report

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 21 December 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest
Happy birthday to Mrs Ivy Heck who turned 102 on Friday 1 December. Mrs Heck was born in Marburg in 1921 and spent most of her life in Glamorgan Vale where she married into a dairy farm with her husband Les in 1940. Today Mrs Heck is looked after by staff at Blue Care Lowood Glenwood.

Kilcoy Yowie secured victory in one out of three games in the world of rugby league nines. The Kilcoy Yowie’s open men’s team participated in the Fijian Cup nines tournament on December 1 and 2. Kilcoy Yowie’s President said it was an international debut for many players after securing an invitation at a previous nines comp.

Agenda Item #52 Councillors’ Report
29 Ordinary Council Meeting & Workshop Meeting
01 Turning on the Christmas Lights – Yowie Park Kilcoy
02 Kilcoy Christmas Street Carnival
04 Meeting with MBCC Cr T Latter & Ms C Tolcher – Woodford
05 Year 3-6 Annual Awards Ceremony – Kilcoy State Primary School
05 Toogoolawah State School Awards Night
06 Mt Kilcoy State School P-6 Award Ceremony
07 Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Committee Meeting – Harlin
07 Kilcoy Recreation Grounds Advisory Committee Meeting
12 Kilcoy Hospital Auxiliary Meeting
12 Friends of Stonehouse Management Committee Meeting – Moore
13 Meeting Kilcoy Show & Kilcoy Multi-Cultural Meeting
18 Confidential Briefing Session – Esk
20 Reconciliation Queensland – Annual General Meeting 2023 – Zoom
20 Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce – Christmas Celebrations
21 Ordinary Council Meeting & Workshop Meeting

I must sincerely thank the band of busy Mums who form the Kilcoy Christmas Carnival committee. I would like to once again thank our Mayor for performing the official opening of the carnival. The attendance of the event this year was enormous and I believe the biggest carnival yet. I am filled with a profound sense of awe and gratitude being part of our multi-cultural community. The Fijian men sang their beautiful song unaccompanied. John and I along with some dear friends rode our motorbikes and trikes escorting Santa who was positioned in a well decorated RAM. By the reaction of the children, they were totally gob smacked by Santa’s elaborate entry. Finally, thank you so much to the hard working husbands and partners of the Kilcoy Christmas Carnival committee, and to the many heroic sponsors.

It was my pleasure to introduce Ms Tolcher to Cr Latter (MBCC) as a very knowledgeable and experienced equine representative. The conversation was relative to future rail trails in the area.

Congratulations to all school children who participated in their special awards ceremonies. It is always gratifying to witness their hard work and the forthcoming rewards. Of course, none of this would be possible without the strong support of their teaching staff, and Mum, Dads and Carers.

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 29 November 2023

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 29 November 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

2023 Shine Award Dedication Winner – Kathy Duff – Congratulations!

Kathy Duff’s passion, long-term commitment to her community and selfless contribution despite hardship and love for her South Burnett community is evident in everything she has contributed in her role as a councillor for the past 20 years.  The southeast Queensland farmer, grew up on remote 6000-hectare DiDi cattle station as one of five children.  Kathy took over the management of DiDi when her father, who she had cared for during his struggle with diabetes, died in 2019. Just a year earlier, her partner passed away from suicide. Kathy donated $28,000 of her inheritance to build a Men’s Shed in her hometown. Putting others before herself again, she also donated $66,000 to community groups to purchase seven run-down shops in the main street.

Farmers in South East Queensland are set to benefit from a brand new Drought Hub.  The new node is based in Kilcoy, and will support producers and their communities across SEQ in growing resilience to manage climate variability through innovation, collaboration and building capacity and capability.  The South East Queensland Node will be managed by peak environment group for the region Healthy Land & Water.  Landholders interested in being involved in the project are encouraged to contact Healthy Land & Water – Bruce Lord 0427 013 284 or at

Congratulations to –

Esk Caravan Park – are thrilled to share the incredible news that Esk Caravan Park has been honoured with The RACQ People’s Choice Award for Accommodation at the Queensland Tourism Awards in Cairns, and Proud Recipient of Silver at Queensland Tourism Awards!  The park secured a remarkable Silver in the hotly contested QTIC Caravan and Holiday Park Category.

Skydiver Ramblers – A group of daredevil skydivers has set a world record in a heartstopping jump at Toogoolawah.  Fourteen women all aged over 40 joined together in freefall before breaking away into a second formation.

Agenda Item #27 Councillors’ Report


13       RADF Committee Meeting – Esk

15       Ordinary Council Meeting – Esk

21       Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk

22       Business After Dark – Going the Distance Matt Levy OAM Gold Medal Winner-Kilcoy Chamber Commerce

22       Traffic and Safety Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk

23       ALGWA State Management Committee Meeting – Brisbane

25       Dr Mark Weller’s Residence – Celebrating Life with (Kilcoy’s) Bangladeshi Boys

28       Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

28       Kilcoy Show Society Meeting

The ALGWA State Management Committee Meeting resolved to support the call to expunge the contentious Section 175K of the Local Government Act 2009.   Section 175K declares that a councillor is automatically suspended when charged with a disqualifying offence, whether or not they are proven guilty.







Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 15 November 2023

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 15 November 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

Congratulations to the following regional not for profit groups who have been successful with the recent Gambling Community Benefit Funding – Round 117:

ESK CAMPDRAFT ASSOCIATION Incorporated – Construct Carport 27,000.00

KILCOY LIONS INC. – Purchase Ride on Mower, Trailer and BBQ 7,611.00


MT. KILCOY PROGRESS SOCIETY INC. – Upgrade Facility and Purchase Equipment 34,709.00

Congratulations also to Glamorgan Vale State School in receiving $10,000 as the prize for the most voted School video in the River 94.9 School of the Year 2023.

A gentle reminder that the Linville Heritage & Arts Festival is being held this weekend. Angel Strings and friends are returning to present a repertoire filled with famous Opera music, remember to purchase tickets on line through try booking.

Agenda Item #38 Councillors’ Report


30 Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce – Community Meeting – Street Revitalisation Project

31 Whole of Organisation Team Building


02 Business After Breakfast – Qld Energy Portfolio – Hon. Lance McCallum MP Asst Minister for Bundamba- Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce

02 Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Committee Meeting – Moore

06 The Condensery Advisory Committee Meeting – Toogoolawah

09 Meeting re – Cultural Entertainment – Kilcoy Show

11 Kilcoy RSL – Remembrance Day

11 Shayne Neumann MP – Muckerts Lane Funding, Fernvale

12 Kilcoy Show Society BBQ

13 RADF Committee Meeting – Esk

Special mention and thanks to the Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce for displaying its leadership in organising the community meeting regarding the street revitalisation project and inviting Assistance Minister Lance McCallum (for Bundamba) Queensland Energy Portfolio to speak about energy in our region.

The Whole of Organisation Team Building forum was very beneficial to all staff and Councillors who attended the morning’s activities. My thanks to staff for organising a lovely acknowledgement of my impending retirement from Local Government. Our Local Government family has certainly grown from my early days with Kilcoy Shire Council when I first joined the team in 1977.

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 24 October 2023 – Councillor Report

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 24 October 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

I am delighted to share that the Kilcoy Yowies are going on tour!  Very early in the season, the Kilcoy Yowies were invited to participate in the Fijian Cup.  The competition runs from the 30th November to 3rd December at Lawaqa Park, Sigatoka, Fiji.  The format will provide each team with a minimum of three games on each day of the preliminary rounds, with a playoff structure through to the finals to decide the winning teams in each division.  Congratulations, best of luck and well done Yowies!

Thirty-eight regions in Queensland are most at risk of a horror bushfire season due to below-average rainfall, above-average temperatures, and a high fuel load, according to the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service.  It was reported that Somerset and Redland City are most at risk of bushfires in the southeast.  It is imperative that our residents and visitors to our region understand the fire risks associated with the current weather conditions.

Agenda Item #30 Councillors’ Report


11       Ordinary Council Meeting & Workshop – Esk

11       Kilcoy State Primary School P&C Meeting

14       The Condensery Exhibition Opening

15-18 Local Government Association of Queensland Annual Conference – Gladstone

19       Toogoolawah State High School Awards Night

20       Kilcoy State High School Awards Ceremony

The 127th LGAQ Annual Conference was held in Gladstone from Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th October, and commenced with a warm and moving Welcome to Country from Gooreng Elder, Aunty Juliri Ingra and a cheerful welcome to Gladstone from Mayor Matt Burnett.  Councils across Queensland combined to discuss issues and to work forward with necessary answers.  Our council proudly presented to the conference delegates  the story of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail and the ongoing economic benefits to our region.  It was a bitter-sweet moment for me as this was my last conference, however I will always treasure the 37 years I have spent in Local Government.  The level of government closest to its people and that consist of ordinary people who share passion and a strong desire to enrich their rural region.

Councillor Report – Ordinary Council Meeting 11 October 2023

Category : General News

 Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Council Meeting 11 October 2023

Agenda Item #5 Matters of Public Interest

I believe that the time has arrived that I gracefully retire from the role as Somerset Regional Councillor, therefor I will not be seeking re-election in March next year.  I have been involved with Local Government since the age of sixteen, when I applied for the Junior Clerk Typist position with Kilcoy Shire Council.  With encouragement and support from my peers, I worked my way to Manager Finance and Administration with Kilcoy Shire Council prior to its amalgamation with Esk Shire Council in March 2008.  I was first elected as Councillor in the 2016 Local Government Elections.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my career, where I have experienced never ending changes, surmountable challenges, and I have met many wonderful enterprising, brilliant and caring people.  When I am asked to speak to our school students about my role, I express sincerely to our young future leaders, if you find the right job, it will never feel like a job, but rather a part of life that presents enjoyment, passion and unmeasurable rewards.  With a mountain made of memories, knowledge, experience and gratification, I look forward to the next chapter of my life.  Lastly, I wish to thank those residents and colleagues who have always offered support and valued my efforts in the Local Government world, either as a staff member or as a Councillor.

Agenda Item #18 Councillors’ Report


27       Ordinary Council Meeting & Council Workshop – Esk

27       Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce Inc Annual General Meeting


03       Friends of Stonehouse Inc Monthly Meeting – Moore

03       Somerset Dam District Progress Association Monthly Meeting

05       Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails Monthly Meeting – Moore

09       Special Condensery Advisory Meeting – 2024 Program

09       Kilcoy District Progress Alliance Inc Monthly Meeting

10       Kilcoy Wellbeing Festival – Yowie Park

10       Kilcoy Show Society Monthly Meeting

The Brisbane Valley Heritage Trails are establishing communication around the existence of the original stock routes that were used as a method to herd livestock from Kilcoy to Moore. The group hope to advertise the route as a drive destination, and are eager to name the route as “The Drover’s Way”.

The Kilcoy District Progress Alliance are raising funds to once again erect Kilcoy’s Christmas Tree.  Community can enjoy the festivities and turning on the Christmas Lights on Friday 1st December commencing at 5:30pm at Yowie Park.

The Kilcoy Show Society held a very well supported monthly meeting where many existing challenges and new ideas were identified and discussed.

Facebook News

Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

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A very informative meeting, with Somerset Regional Council's CEO Andrew Johnson, providing an overview of the strategic planning completed by council, and the ongoing objectives and goals for our new council team.Yesterday, the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton Committee had a fantastic meeting at the Fernvale Visitor Information Centre. We were joined by the newly elected Somerset Regional Councillors for a wonderful meet and greet session with our committee members. It was a lovely afternoon spent in beautiful Fernvale, filled with productive conversations and connection-building.Photo from left to right: Somerset Regional Council Deputy Mayor Cr Helen Brieschke, RDAIWM Katey Cochrane, RDAIWM Cheryl Gaedtke, RDAIWM CEO Rees Banks, RDAIWM Chair Janice Holstein, Somerset Regional Council CEO Andrew Johnson, Somerset Regional Council Cr Brett Freese, RDAIWM James Sturges, Lockyer Valley Regional Council and RDAIWM Cr Anthony Wilson, Somerset Regional Council and RDAIWM Cr Michael Bishop Somerset Region, Somerset Regional Council Cr Sally Jess, Somerset Regional Council Cr Tiara Hurley #RDAIWM #Fernvale #SomersetRegion #CommunityConnections #RegionalDevelopment ... See MoreSee Less
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I cannot express how proud I am to see this project take shape. Many thanks to Council staff and our new Council Team for making this happen. The Kilcoy Indoor Sports Steering Committee worked hard during our last term to arrive at the very best way forward with respect to this very much needed project.The development application seeks approval for an extension to Indoor sport and recreation, on land at 35-37 Hope Street, Kilcoy. The proposed development will be staged by converting the existing shed to provide for the new gymnasium and gymnastics hall and multipurpose rooms as Stage 1 and the multipurpose indoor sports courts as Stage 2.The existing Kilcoy Indoor Sport Centre building has an area of 1,383m2 and contains a gymnasium around an indoor cricket net. A gymnastics area is located at the eastern end of the building. Additional infrastructure on site includes an external basketball court with a hardstand area of approximately 450m2 located at the rear of the building. A 12m x 6m shed is also located at the rear of the building. A 12m x 3m transportable building is located to the west of the main sports centre building. The site contains 27 car parking spaces in Hope Street and an informal parking area to the eastern side of the building, served by a gravel driveway. The proposed extension to the building includes:  Upgrading of the existing shed to provide a dedicated gymnasium and gymnastics area, separated by a solid wall;  Construction of a large building extension to the south of the existing building including two multipurpose courts and ancillary facilities including change rooms; and  A multipurpose wing to the west of the existing and proposed building including café, reception area, administration room, allied health consulting rooms, toilets and multipurpose rooms. The building will have a total gross floor area of 3,973m2, an increase of approximately 2,050m2 of useable area and an increase of gross floor area of approximately 2,500m2. Stage 1 will have an increase in gross floor area of approximately 944m2. Stage 2 will have an increase in gross floor area of 1556m2Ancillary works to the extension include:  Additional fill at the rear of the building to provide a flat building area for the building extension;  A retaining wall at the southern end of the fill;  Additional carparking on site and within Hope Street; and  Upgrades to Hope Street including a bus drop off area. The car parking for the development comprises a total of 133 spaces and includes:  39 parking spaces at the front of the site including three PWD spaces;  25 parking spaces to the east of the building;  29 parking spaces at the rear of the building (on Lot 306); and  40 overflow parking spaces along Hope Street to the east of the site. ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Friends of Stonehouse- History Restoration and Conservation Inc's post ... See MoreSee Less
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