Kilcoy District Historical Society Inc. Newsletter March 2018

Kilcoy District Historical Society Inc. Newsletter March 2018

Category : General News

Newsletter—March 2018 (Entering our 20th Year !!!!)
PO Box 21,
Kilcoy, 4515
Hall of History, 39 Hope Street, Kilcoy
Members of the Kilcoy District Historical Society are happy to open the Hall at any time by appointment. Please contact one of the members listed to arrange a mutually convenient time.
For anyone calling in to the Hall without making prior arrangements, please feel welcome to call any of the numbers listed– we may be able to help you. *Note: Hours may be increasing soon, with new volunteers currently in training.
Notice of Opening Hours when staff is available:
ENQUIRIES – Phone – Iris 0754971697; Ken 0754971127; Michael 0754971629; Noela 0754971301; Bev 0754220051
Volunteers required To Keep Hall of History Open
– AGM – 2018 Committee is: Iris Wessling President; Michael Salmon Vice President; Jenny Roberts Minutes Secretary; Col Ferguson Correspondence Secretary; Greg Staniforth Treasurer; Patron Beryl Kennedy. Noela Lowien Research & Publishing
President’s report, by Iris Wessling, March 2018
I must begin with a big thank you to Michael, our Vice President, who has deputised for me willingly and efficiently, on many occasions over the past 12 months.
Thank you to Col for your work as Secretary – often doing so much behind the scenes. Thank you for your work on our communication with the Justice Dept.
Thank you to Noela for her dedication to all aspects of the work of the Historical Society. You are our Researcher Extraordinaire and our reference source for so much of the work of the Society.
Thank you, Jenny, for taking our minutes and reporting them so efficiently.
Greg, our finances have been in very safe hands with you. Thank you for your attention to detail and the speed and efficiency with which you carry out the role of Treasurer.
And – a big thank you to the members who generously give of their time to come each week to open the Hall. We are truly indebted to you. Also, the various typists including Maxine, Bev, Jenny, and Karen and Di who have left, keep up the computerised data entries and Carmel expertly collates in various fields.
Lastly and by no means least thank you to the band of members who regularly attend monthly meetings and ensure that the Society continues to operate smoothly.
I will now list some memories of the past year of KDHS. These are in no particular order.
1) History Trail signs can now be seen all over the business area of town as well as at a growing number of residences. The original funding for these signs (from the now defunct Wood, Wine and Art Festival) has all been used and the Society has continued erecting the signs at its own expense. Sales of laminated copies of these signs continues and contributes in a small way to our costs. We remain indebted to Noela for her considerable talent and time devoted to this project. Thank you too to Michael and Greg for collection (from Woodford) and erection of these signs, with Ian at times.
2) Communication from the Hospital about a proposed Historical Display on their premises was received. Work on this is ongoing and the Society will continue to offer support where needed.
3) Somerset Regional Council requested the Society’s help to compile a list (with recommendations) of possible names for future local streets and roads. This list has been supplied and the first of these names has been used – for Grehan Lane adjacent to the United Service Station.
4) The Society participated in three Street Carnivals in Kilcoy during 2017. The BBQ and Beer Festival in September, the RSL Fun Day in October and the Lions’ Christmas Carnival in December. By far the most successful financially for us was the BBQ and Beer Festival. Thank you to the Kilcoy Art Society for inviting us to share sites at these events.
5) In August, Kilcoy State School celebrated 125 years of provision of education to the children of Kilcoy. As President of KDHS, I was privileged to be invited to address the gathering. A book giving a pictorial history of the latest 25 years of the school’s history was launched that day. We support and encourage the school in its endeavours to preserve the history of the school and to continue recording the stories of its students.
6) Locals and visitors who pass along Hope Street, past Yowie Park, are now left in no doubt about the purpose of the Hall and the neighbouring Craft Cottage at the western end of the park. In late 2017 the roof signs were erected to ensure visitors were aware of the use of these two veteran buildings.
7) 2017 was the year when the Hall of History and Yowie Park featured in a Japanese Television documentary about Australia. The Society was happy to liaise with the film makers about the story of the Yowie.
8) John and Lynn McAulay represented the Society and chatted with the younger students of Kilcoy State School about early Kilcoy history.
However, undoubtedly the biggest project yet undertaken in its almost 20-year history by the Society, is the expansion of our presence in Yowie Park in the form of a Museum to be constructed alongside a soundstage. Planning for this is a long-term project – in conjunction with the Kilcoy District Progress Alliance.
Just 12 months ago, a Business Plan for this project was being completed as a requirement of Somerset Regional Council. Twelve months later, an application for a Community Grant to cover the costs of an Application for, and preparation of, a Material Change of Use for the required area of Yowie Park has just been lodged – a further requirement of the SRC. There is still a long road to travel before we reach the hands-on construction of this exciting addition to Yowie Park.
On behalf of the members of the Society, I must acknowledge the work of Ian Badman in progressing this project. Ian has worked in conjunction with David Matthews of the Kilcoy District Progress Alliance. David has attended KDHS meetings and addressed us on several occasions to explain the intricacies of this journey. We thank David for the many hours he has spent working on our behalf.
In conclusion, thank you for the support I have received over the past 12 months and may the Society have a successful year as we move towards our twentieth birthday in November.
Ian’s Report: Proposed extension to Hall of History for a Museum
Slowly but surely the Society is progressing towards the day when we can extend our Hall of History to create more space for displays, storage and a work area. Somerset Regional Council requires that we work with the Kilcoy Progress Alliance to jointly submit a Development application for the change of use of the land in question. Architects have provided professional drawings of our proposed museum that have been invaluable in the approval process. These plans can be viewed at the Hall of History. Council can see that what we propose will be aesthetically pleasing and an asset to our Society, our park and our town. Once the Development application is approved it will mean that we have Council’s blessing to go ahead and seek funding.
For more information contact Ian on 0499238990
KILCOY History Trail Project update for you.
Below is a list of the signage recipients, totalling roughly 100. As a fundraiser, we have been selling A3-sized replicas to past & present business owners/families/interested community members who would like a souvenir – these are popular, and we are happy to provide a copy to those who would like any of them. Prices are on the last ORDER FORM page
1—Hazeldean Union Church, now Hall of History
2—Craft Cottage
3—Old Courthouse Art Gallery
4—Old garage; later bakery
5—BP Service Station
6—Welding works
7—Hopetoun Masonic Lodge
8—Old Beaurepaires
9—Old cordial factory
10—Grocery store & residence site, later IGA
11—Fruit shop and bakery; later electrical store (pending)
12—Stanley Hotel
13—Plumber, garage; later hardware
14—Original chemist, replaced by duplex
16—ES&A Bank; later Mactaggarts & others (pending)
19—Hobart’s Garage
20—Tailor, saddler, surgery, then others
21—Drapery, then others
22—Drapery, then others including antiques
23—Union Bank, then ANZ Bank (pending)
24—1st Hopetoun Store 1894; later boot maker
25—TAB, then others; now real estate
26—Hopetoun General Store to rural supplies
27—Burt’s Transport
28—Dunning’s Garage; old Hopetoun Hotel site
29—CWA, old butcher shop site
30—Motor vehicle works
31—St Mary’s Anglican Church
32—Uniting Church, formerly Methodist Church
33—Harrison’s Old truck & machinery depot
34—Victory Theatre site; later surgery
37—Old Post Office Café, then various others
38—1st Shire Council chambers site, then library
39—RSL rooms, within the Memorial Hall
40—Post Office, 1913
41—Old bakery
42—Chemist, then various; drop-in centre
43—Old doctors’ surgery, now residence
44—Red Cross, previously butcher and various
45—Ardmore historic house; later commercial (pending)
46—Old café, followed by baker and various
47—Butcher, now fruit shop
48—Old newsagent site, bank, others & chemist
49—Vacant site of old fruit & confectionery shop
50—Old ES&A Bank, dentist and various
51—Newer duplex—hairdresser
52—Newer duplex—carpets and various
53—Salvation Army Hall site; later apparel shop
54—Former chemist
55—Bakery (pending)
56—Ladies’ hairdresser
57—Newton’s barber and billiards room
58—Hughes/Vallance Garage
59—Newer duplex—café & others
60—Newer duplex—butcher
61—Old butcher shop, 1903; then various
62—Blacksmith, then hardware; automotive
64– Old fruit shop site (pending)
65—William Traves’ first blacksmith site (pending)
66—Exchange Hotel
67—Lanes & Craig general merchant; various
68—Caravan park
79—Storekeeper’s residence
70—Old saddler, general store site; later cafe
71—Old cordial factory site; later laundry
72—Old residence, then restaurant
73—Garage, then others
74—Bowls Club
75—Residence, then veterinary surgery
76—Service Station
77—Old sale yards
79—1st Hopetoun School site; service station
80—Car yard; later Kilcoy Community Church
81—Old timber mill site (pending)
82—Golf Club
83—Kindergarten, originally Gregors Ck School
84—Buffalo Lodge; Wesleyan Methodist Church
85—St Michael’s Catholic Church
87—Tennis Club
Also: ANZ bank, Funeral Director, State School, Lions Club, Streets of Kilcoy Map
Others pending: Fire Station
So far, 13 additional private homes are proudly displaying their history on their allotments
Research Policy – Kilcoy District Historical Society Inc
Now that there are more researchers out there with broader needs other than our regular contact research reasons, we just want to re-iterate our Policy which is stated in each of our publications regarding researchers wishing to use our published material:
Regarding enquiries to copy from our published works or filed historical information, we reiterate: Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of our Publications may be reproduced by any process without the permission of the Kilcoy District Historical Society Inc. Copyright enquiries should be made in writing to the Kilcoy District Historical Society Inc. The Society will take all steps to also seek consent from original authors/informants from pertinent families before giving final approval.
The Historical Society promotes local history and provides historical information. Many photos of Kilcoy in days past are on display and in their records, along with a multitude of written memoirs, history and documents. You may wish to visit and research local history or your ancestral history. The Society is always on the lookout for volunteers to man the Hall of History, so that it can continue to be open to serve the public. Our aim is to record, preserve, promote and share our local history. Please call us with any material that we could use or keep in our growing files at the Hall of History.
Photographic collection
Our huge photographic collection is in the process of being re-catalogued, and there may be times when we put out a call for the borrowing of photos previously lent to us, so that we can re-copy them now with more advanced equipment. This will ensure that our collection is as professional as possible. Copies of any photos required for family research are available for purchase, costs ranging from $5 to $8, depending on size, plus postage.
Bits ‘n Pieces Books
Additional data has been progressively filed on computer and printed out in books (50 compiled so far) labelled “Bits ‘n Pieces”, so that they can be perused by anyone carrying out private research or just visiting at our Hall of History. We are very appreciative of the role our new volunteer typists have taken on – Maxine and Bev – who are helping with computerising our ongoing research.
Cemetery Records: is a service provided by the Society. Anyone with similar interests in any aspect of family or local history and becoming a Society member is most welcome to join in.
Enquiries via Website ongoing Notice our Website.
Our website has visitors sign in from time to time, and it is from here that we are introduced to relatives of our Kilcoy families, establishing valuable ties for ongoing research purposes. Visit our Facebook page, “Kilcoy District Historical Society Inc”. We have become a Link on Somerset Regional Council’s Website (History Section). Also, Twitter a/c : KilcoyHistory
Reunions & Events –we will add in any local events of interest if you let us know.
Orders for Books
All books that we have printed are still for sale at the Hall of History or Kilcoy Craft Market, so please feel free to use the Return Section if any are required.
Membership Fees
These are due for the new year for 2018 ($10), and feel free to use the Return Section to Renew or Join, thank you. All funds are gratefully received and go towards the running and upkeep of our Hall of History and record keeping. We are so pleased to have those members who cannot participate regularly and yet feel it rewarding they belong to our Historical Society – many thanks to you all. Huge thanks also to those who regularly enjoy contributing and helping in the various areas, ranging from the hands-on to the research tasks.
Below is a general order form for your convenience
Please return section below if in need…………. MEMBERSHIP AND ORDER FORMMEMBERSHIP AND ORDER wish to renew/join as a member……………..$10 per annum. General Order Form
Locally Published by KDHS: BOOK PRICE LIST & Order Form
A Pictorial Browse Through Early Kilcoy Shire Vol. 1 $10………………
A Pictorial Browse Through Early Kilcoy Shire Vol. 2 $10………………
A Pictorial Browse Through Early Kilcoy Shire Vol. 3 $10………………
Pioneers of the Kilcoy District 1841-1901 Vol. 1 $20………………
Pioneers of the Kilcoy District 1900-1920 Vol. 2 $25……………….
Pioneers of the Kilcoy District of Depression, War & Peace 1920-1950, Vol. 3 $25……………
Pioneers of the Kilcoy District 1920-1930 Vol. 4 $25……………
Pioneers of the Kilcoy District 1930-1940 Vol. 5 $25……………
War Service Men & Women of Kilcoy $25…………….
A Meander Through Memory by Larry Jenkinson $20 (stock is low)
The William Bradley Hopetoun Store (Kilcoy) $20 (stock is low)
Other Publications for sale:
Kilcoy High School 40th Jubilee 1963-2003 $17………………
Kilcoy Uniting Church – The Achievements of One Hundred Years $20………………
A History of Kilcoy Anglican Parish 1898-1998 (reduced price) $5………….
Mt. Kilcoy State School Centenary 1909-2009 $20………………
“His Own Country”, by Carol Casey $25………………
Tall Timbers & Tramways Qld, by John Kerr $25………………
The Railways of Caboolture, Woodford & Kilcoy $15……………..
Kilcoy State School – The First 100 Years $25………………
Postcards of Kilcoy Historical Scenes with envelopes $2 ea…………….
**Postage and Handling per book $4.45 (subject to change)………..
NEW PRODUCT- **HISTORY TRAIL REPLICAS (A3 size): Laminated $25, paper $20
STREETS of Kilcoy (A2 size) Laminated $30, paper $25 (tells the origin of each street name with a pioneer portrait, on old map)
***If you require a number of books, please contact us and tell us the books required. We will then find out the most economical postage costs and reply to you for payment. ***
Email contact________________________________________
Cheques made payable to: Kilcoy District Historical Society Inc thankyou.
Contact can be made
via Post- Kilcoy Historical Society Inc. PO Box 21, Kilcoy. 4515
or via email (Carmel Rohl)
***If you require a number of books, please contact us and tell us the books required, we will then find out the most economical postage costs and reply to you for payment.***
Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you.
Please send remittance to:
Kilcoy District Historical Society,
PO Box 21, Kilcoy. 4515
Or pay at the Hall of History, Yowie Park, Kilcoy
Email- Direct Deposit to ANZ Bank Kilcoy BSB 014619 Acc 408578578

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