Fernvale Relay for Life – it’s a wrap!
Category : General News
Relay for Life, Fernvale Lions – Fernvale Sports Park – Saturday 26 October 2019
What a fantastic event, this was the sediment shared by many. The Cancer Council’s (Qld) Relay for Life (RFL) was held in the southern part of the Somerset region for the very first time. The Fernvale Lions Club accepted the challenge and delivering a very well administered and extremely emotive event.
The Relay for Life – Face of Relay, Mr Simon Coogan delivered the RFL poem, “I Walk For You” at the Opening Ceremony. The words are powerful and capture the true meaning of Relay for Life events:
I walk for you, I walk for me.
I walk around this track today,
I walk to help a disease go away.
I walk because there is a need,
I walk that bodies can be freed.
I walk to give a small child hope,
I walk to help someone cope.
I walk for a husband or a wife,
I walk to help prolong a life.
I walk with my head held high,
I walk under a bright blue sky.
I walk with purpose and endure,
I walk to help find a cure.
I walk for everyone to see,
I walk for you, I walk for me.
Patron for the Fernvale Relay for Life, Councillor Cheryl Gaedtke proudly opened the event and shared the following words:
“Good afternoon everyone
What a special sight – you all need to give yourselves an enormous pat on the back for taking part in this very special and important community event.
It is an opportunity for community to come together to support each other regarding an issue so prevalent in society.
Cancer is extremely common in the community, most people have been affected in some way, whether themselves or through someone they know.
Relay for Life to me is about support, spreading hope for locals affected by cancer and showing that as a community we care and are here for them. By taking part today, raising funds, sharing good times, together, we are stronger than cancer!
It gives me great pleasure to share the Relay for Life Oath:
In the name of all Relay for Life participants, I confirm that we are here to celebrate the lives of cancer survivors, to support those fighting cancer, and to honour those we have lost.
Our commitment will be symbolized in every step we take, each and every one moving us nearer to our goal – the goal of a cancer-free world for future generations.
I now declare the 2019 Fernvale Relay for Life officially open”.
Although a little on the warm side, participants enjoyed the walking, the fun games and the dancing offered by Play ‘N’ Up. This local band, which has Somerset Council’s Mayor Graeme playing the drums, with fellow band members Kaye and Tony, commenced playing at 12 noon and continued on until the event concluded at 9:00pm. The absolutely fantastic event MC, Councillor Sean Choat continued with RFL interviews, and kept all participants in touch with what was going on for the entire nine hours of supplied entertainment.
As always, the candlelight Ceremony was raw and emotional. Face of Relay Simon held everyone’s attention whilst sharing his journey since 2016 when diagnosed with cancer. Simon talked about his diagnosis, treatment and the after effects of his treatment. Judy Lehmann, also talked from the heart about her recent battles with breast cancer.
Councillor Gaedtke wishes to personally thank everyone who has assisted in any way with this event. Councillor Gaedtke said “A huge thank you to the Fernvale Lions Club, who took on organising this event. We all acknowledge the amount of time and work that is devoted to this type of event. I also take this opportunity to thank the staff of Cancer Council (Qld) for their guidance and assistance”.
Our Face of Relay, Simon said “It was a wonderful event, raising funds and awareness are so important. I will definitely be at the next event. A big thank you to all that attended and helped make this day possible.”
Keep watching this space to learn of when and where the next Relay for Life will be.