Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 8 December 2021 – Councillor Report
Category : General News
Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 8 December 2021
Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest
Christmas Spirit alive and well in Somerset
Firstly, I acknowledge the hard work and immense effort provided by our community groups to successfully bring together any community event. Unfortunately, this Christmas, one Christmas event had to be cancelled, but for those groups who have had or about to hold Christmas celebrations, good on you for taking the initiative. The Kilcoy Christmas Carnival held on Saturday evening was a complete success, and the Christmas Spirit was on show for all to absorb and share. It is estimated that around 1300 attended the celebration. The organising committee advised that the event cost approximately $18,000 and most of these costs were met by donations and or sponsorships. Some businesses provided not hundreds but thousands of dollars to make sure that no child was disadvantaged by providing free rides, free face painting, free entertainment, and free give ways. The ever popular fireworks were held just prior to a storm that seem to just reach Kilcoy resulting in some rain and wind for a short period of time. The social wellbeing and community spirit created by such events will linger for quite some time. Sense of Community, it is in the DNA of every Somerset resident. Wishing for great weather for future Somerset Christmas events.
Mental Health Funding Shortfall
There has been much reporting and public discussion around funding shortfalls with mental health. Less money is invested in Queensland’s mental health system than any other state or territory in Australia, with decades of chronic underfunding meaning the state has the worst staffing levels and least number of beds to service its population. And in the past 10 years while Queensland’s health budget has grown by around 50 per cent the mental health budget has only increased by about five per cent. For example, the entire operating budget for the Metro North Hospital and Health Service this year is $3.36 billion but just $220 million of that will be spent on mental health – a meagre 6.5 per cent. “Around the world” is experiencing an increased presentation in people with mental health issues, most of it on the back of Covid-19. An issue for State and Federal Government to address sooner rather than later.
Agenda Item # 35 Councillors’ Report
24 Ordinary Council Meeting – Esk
24 Council Workshop 26 – Esk
25 Business Forum – Thriving in Agriculture Event – Lowood Golf Club
26 Movement to Music – Kilcoy Gym
26 Meeting with local community member – Kilcoy
26 Kilcoy Recreation Grounds Committee Meeting
30 Kilcoy Interagency Meeting
30 Kilcoy Indoor Sports Centre Steering Committee – Presentation of Concept Plans
30 Kilcoy Rodeo AGM & General Meeting
01 Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting
02 Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee AGM & monthly meeting – Yarraman
03 Turn the Lights On – Kilcoy Shines
03 Linville State School Annual Awards – Moore
O4 Kilcoy Christmas Carnival
07 Volunteer Famil & Christmas Function – Toogoolawah & Esk
07 Kilcoy State School Annual Awards 3-6 years
Business Forum – Thriving in Agriculture Event – Lowood Golf Club
Congratulations to staff for organising another brilliant and informative business networking evening. Once again, the guest speakers were informative, inspirational and motivational. The catering was received at an extremely high standard, many thanks to all involved with this event.
Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn
Department of Parks and Gardens rang the SDDPA President and advised that it is agreed to facilitate the request to burn sections at risk around the Somerset Dam Village. Discussions will be held with the Rural Fire Brigade, DTMR and SEQWater to coordinate an efficient burn. The Department will also contact impacted landholders. The association was also advised that the area required rain before attempting the burn. Now that this has occurred, the position is looking very positive. The group were ecstatic to receive this information so quickly after identifying this need early in November.
Linville State School Annual Awards – Moore
Being a small school does not limit the achievements of this active and sincere group of students. An endearing evening was held with a spread of home cooked mains and ice-cream for dessert. There were many special awards distributed, and a lovely Certificate of Appreciation certificate was presented to Council in recognition of ongoing support made to the school during 2021.
Turn the Lights on – Kilcoy Shines & Kilcoy Christmas Carnival Events
Many children, parents and care givers attended the Turn the Lights On, Kilcoy Shines to witness the newly erected Christmas Tree along with numerous Christmas lights glowing preciously in Yowie Park. The event complimented the Kilcoy Christmas Carnival, which was a huge success as well. Congratulations to the organising committees (and their spouses/partners), sponsors and of course to all those who attended these wonderful community events.