Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 22 January 2020

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 22 January 2020

Category : General News

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 22 January 2020

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest
24 January Kilcoy Kollections II – Somerset Regional Art Gallery, The Condensery
26 January Australia Day Celebrations – region wide
28 January Kilcoy Interagency Meeting
29 January Kilcoy District Progress Assn Meeting
01 February Yowie Park Run – First Anniversary
01 February Linville Hall Committee Meeting
04 February Info Firies Night – Kilcoy
05 February Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting
06 February Brisbane Valley Heritage Trail Committee monthly meeting
10 February Kilcoy State School P & C Assn Meeting

Upon reflection, it has been inspiring to witness the coming together of communities during the most challenging times that Australia has faced since federation. The sheer amount of donations has been staggering. We have no control over Mother Nature and must respect this fact, however we do have control over our own resilience and the need of coming together to support each other. Our thoughts go out to those who have lost loved ones, houses, businesses and various other infrastructure and also, animals. I acknowledge the special efforts made by a large number of people who are looking after our precious wildlife. I fear for the longevity of some of them and all levels of Government need to make a concerted effort to ensure we keep endangered species from disappearing entirely.

Agenda Item #36 Councillors’ Report
(Since the last Ordinary Council meeting, I have attended)
19 December Council Staff Christmas Party – Kilcoy Showground
22 December Ride for Red 2020
09 January Meeting – Kilcoy Office
09 January Firies Project – Making Local Business’s Window Posters – Kilcoy Sports Centre
15 January Debrief – Nov, Dec Bushfires – Esk office
15 January Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group Meeting – Kilcoy
17 January Visit by Coordinator-General for Drought & Flood, Shane Stone – Esk office
20 January Somerset Condensery Advisory Committee Meeting – Esk office
21 January Somerset Youth Leadership Forum – Currimundi

I took a great deal of valuable information away from attending the Bushfire Debriefing and the meeting held with the Coordinator-General for Drought and Flood, Mr Shane Stone and Advisory Board member Don Heatley OAM. Some of the shared information was disturbing to say the least, and I feel we have much to do and a long road to recovery. I wish to thank the expert knowledge offered by Mr Stone and Mr Heatley, as already mentioned – “Though the challenges are daunting, it is clear to see that they were once again being met with ingenuity, hard work and good spirit”.

Somerset Youth Leadership Forum held at the Sunshine Coast Recreation Centre was attended by 19 Lockyer Valley Regional Council students and 25 Somerset Regional Council students. Once again, very positive feedback to me was that the students showed respect, real leadership qualities in their approach to the tasks set out for each of them. This year we had many students who have never met before, and it was interesting to learn of the difference expressed between the two local government areas. To me there is nothing more enlightening than to listen to our leaders of tomorrow speak about the future and identify associated needs. Well done to all staff who are involved with organising and administrating these forums. As Councillor, I support investing with future youth forums.

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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

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A very informative meeting, with Somerset Regional Council's CEO Andrew Johnson, providing an overview of the strategic planning completed by council, and the ongoing objectives and goals for our new council team.Yesterday, the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton Committee had a fantastic meeting at the Fernvale Visitor Information Centre. We were joined by the newly elected Somerset Regional Councillors for a wonderful meet and greet session with our committee members. It was a lovely afternoon spent in beautiful Fernvale, filled with productive conversations and connection-building.Photo from left to right: Somerset Regional Council Deputy Mayor Cr Helen Brieschke, RDAIWM Katey Cochrane, RDAIWM Cheryl Gaedtke, RDAIWM CEO Rees Banks, RDAIWM Chair Janice Holstein, Somerset Regional Council CEO Andrew Johnson, Somerset Regional Council Cr Brett Freese, RDAIWM James Sturges, Lockyer Valley Regional Council and RDAIWM Cr Anthony Wilson, Somerset Regional Council and RDAIWM Cr Michael Bishop Somerset Region, Somerset Regional Council Cr Sally Jess, Somerset Regional Council Cr Tiara Hurley #RDAIWM #Fernvale #SomersetRegion #CommunityConnections #RegionalDevelopment ... See MoreSee Less
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I cannot express how proud I am to see this project take shape. Many thanks to Council staff and our new Council Team for making this happen. The Kilcoy Indoor Sports Steering Committee worked hard during our last term to arrive at the very best way forward with respect to this very much needed project.The development application seeks approval for an extension to Indoor sport and recreation, on land at 35-37 Hope Street, Kilcoy. The proposed development will be staged by converting the existing shed to provide for the new gymnasium and gymnastics hall and multipurpose rooms as Stage 1 and the multipurpose indoor sports courts as Stage 2.The existing Kilcoy Indoor Sport Centre building has an area of 1,383m2 and contains a gymnasium around an indoor cricket net. A gymnastics area is located at the eastern end of the building. Additional infrastructure on site includes an external basketball court with a hardstand area of approximately 450m2 located at the rear of the building. A 12m x 6m shed is also located at the rear of the building. A 12m x 3m transportable building is located to the west of the main sports centre building. The site contains 27 car parking spaces in Hope Street and an informal parking area to the eastern side of the building, served by a gravel driveway. The proposed extension to the building includes:  Upgrading of the existing shed to provide a dedicated gymnasium and gymnastics area, separated by a solid wall;  Construction of a large building extension to the south of the existing building including two multipurpose courts and ancillary facilities including change rooms; and  A multipurpose wing to the west of the existing and proposed building including café, reception area, administration room, allied health consulting rooms, toilets and multipurpose rooms. The building will have a total gross floor area of 3,973m2, an increase of approximately 2,050m2 of useable area and an increase of gross floor area of approximately 2,500m2. Stage 1 will have an increase in gross floor area of approximately 944m2. Stage 2 will have an increase in gross floor area of 1556m2Ancillary works to the extension include:  Additional fill at the rear of the building to provide a flat building area for the building extension;  A retaining wall at the southern end of the fill;  Additional carparking on site and within Hope Street; and  Upgrades to Hope Street including a bus drop off area. The car parking for the development comprises a total of 133 spaces and includes:  39 parking spaces at the front of the site including three PWD spaces;  25 parking spaces to the east of the building;  29 parking spaces at the rear of the building (on Lot 306); and  40 overflow parking spaces along Hope Street to the east of the site. ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Friends of Stonehouse- History Restoration and Conservation Inc's post ... See MoreSee Less
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