Councillor Report – Meeting 12 April 2017

Councillor Report – Meeting 12 April 2017

Category : General News

Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

14/16 April          Fernvale Campdraft

16 April                 Jam’n in Esk

22 April                 Kilcoy Races

22 April                 CWA Cake Stall Esk


Agenda Item # 44 Councillor Report

Meetings/Functions attended

24 March             Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast – Lowood

28 March             Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

28 March             Meeting with Stumer Park Users, Fernvale

28 March             Eagle Rise Residents Community Meeting, RSL Lowood

01 April                 Kilcoy Show Ball

05 April                 Kilcoy Skate Park Competition

05 April                 UQ Gatton Campus Community Advisory Group Meeting

06 April                 Real Spaces Media Call – Lowood

12/13 April          Australian Local Government Women’s Conference


Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast – Lowood

Along with Mayor Lehamann, Crs. Hall & Ogg, a hearty breakfast was enjoyed by all guests.  I met with those who shared a strong belief in prayer, and I found that I was unaware of my own need for prayer, given the recent death of my sister.  Attending Councillors were offered a Leaders’ prayer by Pastor Jimmy NJino.  This wonderful Pastor was the guest speaker and offered words of wisdom about mindsets and “how we are – what we think we are”.  I enjoyed his address very much and agreed so much with his philosophy on life.


Meeting with Stumer Park Users, Fernvale

I sat in Stumer Park with several passionate users of the area and discussed their vision of this important facility to the Fernvale community.  The conversation included previous plans and future needs of the local users.  The passionate group are supportive of collaborating with Somerset Regional Council to achieve grant funding needed to complete very much needed improvements to the park.  The groups are supportive of meeting with council to develop a master plan, associated action plans and funding requirements and resources.


Eagle Rise Residents Community Meeting, Lowood

I must acknowledge the positive and open communication that took place during this public meeting.  I attended the meeting along with Mayor Lehmann, Crs Brieschke and Choat, and around 33 interested community members.  The meeting was chaired by a local community member and various points were raised and recorded as future action items.  I believe that Somerset Regional Council can assist with some of the issues identified and better the lifestyle of this community.


Kilcoy Show Ball

A lovely night was shared with a number of young ladies who were the focal point of the evening.  Cr Choat and his wife Nicky provided an interesting sponsorship of the best dressed lady and gentleman of the evening.  Mayor Lehmann, John and I enjoyed the evening and appreciated the time and effort of the young entrants and their partners who proudly displayed their recently acquired dancing skills.  Congratulations to all of these lovely young ladies and their partners.


UQ Gatton Campus Community Advisory Group Meeting

Teaching & Research Pig Facility – The campus currently houses 380 sows, which produces around 3,000 – 4,000 piglets yearly.  A new piggery will be built on a greenfield site at the campus, and will operate at RSPCA standards and include a sow stall free breeding environment.  Property acquired at Darbalara – This newly acquired property will be used for grazing and cropping purposes.  Urbis Strategic Plan – A ten-year development plan is almost complete for the Gatton Campus.  120th Celebration – A paddock to plate lunch will form part of the celebrations to be held on Thursday 27th July 2017.  Santa Gertrudis herd sold and replaced with Droughtmaster herd.


Real Spaces Media Call Lowood

The installation of the realSpaces gym features a hand bike, cross trainer, leg press, bench for weights and leg lifts, plus assisted pull up and other exercise equipment allowing people to do a whole of body workout.  Cr Ogg must be acknowledged and congratulated for his contribution with respect to this initiative.  Lowood is the third town in Queensland to have a realSpace gym installed under the current funding arrangements.  Many thanks for the significant financial contribution made by Real Insurance, without its support, nor that of our local Bendigo Community Bank, this achievement and the many associated benefits would not have been possible.   Mayor Graeme Lehmann, Crs. Ogg, Brieschke and myself enjoyed the opportunity to learn how to use the various equipment.


Qld Local Government News of Interest

  • Queensland councils have applauded the Federal Government’s common-sense decision to reimburse councils opting to use their own plant and equipment to clean up after natural disaster events. The announcement ensures that councils who used their own plant and equipment to rebuild damaged public assets following floods and storms of 2013 and 2014 will not be out of pocket.  (A funding shortfall of $7.5 million across about 35 Queensland councils, some of which are currently cleaning up after the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie, are now eligible to be repaid under Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA)).


Qld State Government News of Interest

  • Eight regional mayors accompanied Premier Palaszczuk to India end of March to demonstrate their support for Adani’s proposed $21 billion Carmichael Coal mine-rail-port project and are now awaiting a final decision to go ahead from the company. (Regions represented: Townsville, Rockhampton, Mackay, Gladstone, Whitsunday, Charters Towers, Isaac and Central Highlands.)
  • Queensland Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment, Curtis Pitt, has welcomed an increase in Queensland’s GST funding share following the release of the Commonwealth Grants Commission’s 2017. The Commonwealth Grants Commission has estimated Queensland’s GST share in 2017-18 to be $14.9 billion representing an increase of $889 million on the 2016-17 GST share. The Commission adjusted upwards the relativity applied to Queensland when allocating GST shares to 1.18 from the 1.17 applied to 2016-17.



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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

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