Category : General News

BVK Landcare


April 2017




“The Hub” Kilcoy Information Centre, SEQC&W Offices                  Hope St Kilcoy

Tel: 07 54971253   Fax: 07 54220515

PO Box 116 Kilcoy 4515



Chairperson:                         David Matthews

Vice Chairperson:

Secretary/Treasurer            Tony Robinson                 07/ 5496 3582


** Next Meeting GM Monday 15th May   9.30 am

Kilcoy Information Centre   –   **All welcome


Newsletter Advertising.

Costs per issue $11(inc. GST) for a quarter page, $22 for a half page and $44 for a full page.  Contact the office for more information. 54971253

*Get your business out in view and see what Landcare can do for you*




Breaking News ….. Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare is in the process of establishing a website  ….    –   early days yet with a lot more information to be processed. 




BVK has submitted an application for funds to establish  the Birdwing Butterfly vine (Pararistolochia praevenosa) at strategic locations within the Stanley River catchment. This is to be achieved by establishing new host vines thus providing the plant habitat (food source for the larvae) for the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly (Omithopter richmondia )  to expand its range (Dr Don Sands, CSIRO Pullenvale Qld)

The Richmond Birdwing Butterfly was once common in South East Queensland, however, due to loss of habitat by development and clearing for agricultural production and the extensive planting of the introduced South American Dutchman’s Pipe vine (Aristolochia elegans) into domestic gardens (this vine is poisonous to the Birdwing larvae) the population of this attractive and valuable pollinator of native species has been depleted.  The Birdwing Butterfly is listed as vulnerable on the Queensland Conservation status list.

An extensive eradication and community awareness program has removed most of the Dutchman’s pipe vine. The Queensland government legislated to prohibit sale through nurseries

Currently the Birdwing Butterfly is surviving in the upper Stanley catchment and Sunshine Coast hinterland (Mary Cairncross Park, Stanley River Park) and also the Gold Coast border region.

The vine is uncommon and suffers competition from aggressive introduced species, Cats Claw Creeper and Madeira vine and others.

Left Female Richmond birdwing feeding on Pentas   Right  Male Richmond birdwing     The adult male birdwing has a wingspan of about 12-13cm and is basically black, with green stripes and spots on both sides.

We have consulted and will continue to collaborate with the Richmond Birdwing Conservation Network, Wildlife Queensland and Healthy Land & Water.  For more information on these organisations see : and  RBCN website

To be notified success or otherwise in June.


Application has been submitted for funds to establish a corridor at Toogoolawah of 800 koala ‘friendly trees’ along a section of creek bed adjacent to the site of The Condensery (Art Gallery) and through a number of privately owned rural properties.  This application has been fully supported by The Somerset Regional Council in being desirable to maintaining the viability and genetic diversity of the local Koala population and the opportunity to engage the broader community and landholders associated with the corridor.

This application submitted in last December, yet to be advised.

SEQ WATER is planning upgrades to 2 dams in our region : quote

In 2012-13, Seqwater commissioned an independent assessment of its 26 regulated dams. This assessment included a review of the condition of our dams and their compliance with current Queensland and Australian guidelines, and has identified a program of work needed to ensure our dams meet these guidelines. Under our Dam Improvement Program, we will upgrade some dams and reduce the water levels of others until upgrades can be completed.

Somerset Dam upgrade  Somerset Dam is one of a number of dams identified for upgrade in the next six years.

In 2017, we will undertake further geotechnical investigations at Somerset and preliminary design to identify the preferred upgrade option. Once the preferred option is determined, we will start preparing the detailed design. At this stage, construction is expected to start by 2020.

The preferred Somerset Dam upgrade option will impact and influence the final decision on the Wivenhoe Dam upgrade.

Wivenhoe Dam upgrade Planning for the Wivenhoe Dam upgrade is in the early stages and it will be at least two years before a decision is made on the preferred upgrade option.

In planning the upgrade, we need to consider the safety and integrity of the dam structure, the security of our drinking water supply, and the potential for further flood mitigation. The benefits and costs of about 50 different options will be explored, including consideration of options to increase the height of the dam wall to improve flood mitigation downstream.”

Find out more

Farmers encouraged to sign up for Ergon Energy Tariff Trial 

Queensland farmers are being encouraged to sign up the Agricultural Tariff Trial to get a better understanding of their electricity usage and to save money on their electricity bill. Any farmers located in the Ergon Energy area can join the trial, with registrations closing Tuesday 2 May.


The trial will give farmers the chance to test off-peak and demand-based electricity tariffs under the Regional Business Support Package. “A large number of farm businesses remain unaware of the changing tariffs and how this will impact their business post 1 July 2020.”   “The Ergon Tariff Trials are a win-win for farmers who may save money on the electricity bill and receive a better understanding of their usage through the smart meters available through the trial.”   DETAILS & REGISTRATION:

Are Energex customers being given similar opportunities?

Would You Like to Share your unusual sightings of any wildlife or birds, insects, reptiles, flora or anything connected to Landcare at all that you might like to have published?.. .  send an email with details and photos to  so we can include it in our next publication.

Yeoman’s Plow

New points have been purchased, Merlin tungsten tipped, high wear resistant points. The plow is presently in the Esk/Toogoolawah area. It will fit on the back of a ute or large trailer. Fees for hiring of the plow are: $40 a day plus $6 per acre for members.  Bond is $250

Booking and hire agreements forms must be filled out prior to hiring the plow. It is becoming popular, so please book ahead at The Hub,   Kilcoy Information Centre .  Email


 Landholders are advised that the invasive weed Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) is a significant weed in Queensland. Fireweed is a declared pest under Queensland legislation.

 Native to southern Africa, fireweed is a daisy-like herb. Fireweed was first recorded in Australia in the Hunter Valley in 1918. It is thought to have arrived in the ballast of ships trading between Australia and Europe via Capetown. Fireweed spread slowly at first, but, in the past 30 years, has rapidly increased its range, most likely aided by modern transport and rural practices.

Fireweed competes with pasture and is toxic to livestock. It is found along the entire New South Wales coast and scattered across various regions of Queensland.

Fireweed can easily be mistaken for closely related, native Senecio species, particularly Senecio pinnatifolius and Senecio brigalowensis. Senecio brigalowensis is increasingly abundant and weedy in central Queensland from Roma to Rockhampton, and also causes cattle poisoning.

Fireweed is a restricted invasive plant under the Biosecurity Act 2014.

 Quick Spray Unit  -Please note that all enquiries regarding the hire of the Quick Spray Unit are to go to the Somerset Shire Council 54224900. This unit has a 400 litre tank and two hoses to enable two people to spray at once.

BVK Landcare Date Claimers :

BVK is currently planning to hold a stall at the Esk Garden & Lifestyle Fair on 17th June 2017 – volunteer helpers would be welcomed, please email your interest to

Hiring Equipment

Hire equipment rule changes!

All hirees of the varied equipment available must now become members of BVK Landcare before Hiring. This is due to tax/non-profit status reasons.

Newly available is the Lantana Splatter Gun $10 a day for members, and $60 bond – contact David Matthews. Also available from the Hub is the wick wiper for Giant Rats Tail Grass, and the Yeoman’s Plough. The Quick spray unit is available from Somerset Regional Council.



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Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

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A very informative meeting, with Somerset Regional Council's CEO Andrew Johnson, providing an overview of the strategic planning completed by council, and the ongoing objectives and goals for our new council team.Yesterday, the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton Committee had a fantastic meeting at the Fernvale Visitor Information Centre. We were joined by the newly elected Somerset Regional Councillors for a wonderful meet and greet session with our committee members. It was a lovely afternoon spent in beautiful Fernvale, filled with productive conversations and connection-building.Photo from left to right: Somerset Regional Council Deputy Mayor Cr Helen Brieschke, RDAIWM Katey Cochrane, RDAIWM Cheryl Gaedtke, RDAIWM CEO Rees Banks, RDAIWM Chair Janice Holstein, Somerset Regional Council CEO Andrew Johnson, Somerset Regional Council Cr Brett Freese, RDAIWM James Sturges, Lockyer Valley Regional Council and RDAIWM Cr Anthony Wilson, Somerset Regional Council and RDAIWM Cr Michael Bishop Somerset Region, Somerset Regional Council Cr Sally Jess, Somerset Regional Council Cr Tiara Hurley #RDAIWM #Fernvale #SomersetRegion #CommunityConnections #RegionalDevelopment ... See MoreSee Less
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I cannot express how proud I am to see this project take shape. Many thanks to Council staff and our new Council Team for making this happen. The Kilcoy Indoor Sports Steering Committee worked hard during our last term to arrive at the very best way forward with respect to this very much needed project.The development application seeks approval for an extension to Indoor sport and recreation, on land at 35-37 Hope Street, Kilcoy. The proposed development will be staged by converting the existing shed to provide for the new gymnasium and gymnastics hall and multipurpose rooms as Stage 1 and the multipurpose indoor sports courts as Stage 2.The existing Kilcoy Indoor Sport Centre building has an area of 1,383m2 and contains a gymnasium around an indoor cricket net. A gymnastics area is located at the eastern end of the building. Additional infrastructure on site includes an external basketball court with a hardstand area of approximately 450m2 located at the rear of the building. A 12m x 6m shed is also located at the rear of the building. A 12m x 3m transportable building is located to the west of the main sports centre building. The site contains 27 car parking spaces in Hope Street and an informal parking area to the eastern side of the building, served by a gravel driveway. The proposed extension to the building includes:  Upgrading of the existing shed to provide a dedicated gymnasium and gymnastics area, separated by a solid wall;  Construction of a large building extension to the south of the existing building including two multipurpose courts and ancillary facilities including change rooms; and  A multipurpose wing to the west of the existing and proposed building including café, reception area, administration room, allied health consulting rooms, toilets and multipurpose rooms. The building will have a total gross floor area of 3,973m2, an increase of approximately 2,050m2 of useable area and an increase of gross floor area of approximately 2,500m2. Stage 1 will have an increase in gross floor area of approximately 944m2. Stage 2 will have an increase in gross floor area of 1556m2Ancillary works to the extension include:  Additional fill at the rear of the building to provide a flat building area for the building extension;  A retaining wall at the southern end of the fill;  Additional carparking on site and within Hope Street; and  Upgrades to Hope Street including a bus drop off area. The car parking for the development comprises a total of 133 spaces and includes:  39 parking spaces at the front of the site including three PWD spaces;  25 parking spaces to the east of the building;  29 parking spaces at the rear of the building (on Lot 306); and  40 overflow parking spaces along Hope Street to the east of the site. ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Friends of Stonehouse- History Restoration and Conservation Inc's post ... See MoreSee Less
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