Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2017

Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare Group NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2017

Category : General News

BVK Landcare


 February 2017




“The Hub” Kilcoy Information Centre, SEQC&W Offices      –        Hope St Kilcoy

Tel: 07 54971253   Fax: 07 54220515

PO Box 116 Kilcoy 4515



Chairperson:                         David Matthews

Vice Chairperson:

Secretary/Treasurer            Tony Robinson                 07/ 5496 3582


** Next Meeting GM Monday 20th March 2017  9.30 am

Kilcoy Information Centre   –   **All welcome

  Newsletter Advertising.

Costs per issue $11(inc. GST) for a quarter page, $22 for a half page and $44 for a full page.  Contact the office for more information. 54971253

*Get your business out in view and see what Landcare can do for you*


 Yowie Wetlands Planting

Thursday  4th August 16 saw a large eager group of school students from Kilcoy Primary School attend our stage 3 Tree Planting, in conjunction with National Tree Day.

Over 150 trees and shrubs were planted in the section along the boundary fence that leads own to the second pond to complete the wildlife corridor between Kilcoy Creek and the roadside park.

Trees planted were a variety of eucalypt species, silky oak, bottle brush,  black bean, Blue gums, sandpaper figs and  she oaks.. Enthusiastic mulching was then carried out. Thanks go to Somerset Regional Council, for financial support and Kilcoy Primary School students and  staff  for enthusiastic planting. 

 The Waterways Report Card will include details of our Wetland Project as an example of enhancing biodiversity.  This is a result of the earlier Finalist achievement by BVK.        Photo shows Stage 1 November 2014

 Urban Utilities are planning to establish a plantation of Pongamia (millettia pinnata) at Toogoolawah. This is their press release :   Biofuels: In an Australian first, we recently established ‘energy crop’ farms at our Toogoolawah and Boonah Sewage Treatment Plants, which involved planting 5,800 Pongamia plants, complete with custom irrigation systems. These trials are expected to reduce effluent discharged to the environment by irrigating the ‘energy crops’ with treated effluent, a+nd offset our fossil fuel dependency by harvesting the seeds to produce bio-fuel. It is estimated that four hectares of plants could yield 12,000L of biodiesel every year, which is enough to run around 24 fleet vehicles. The crop farms will also provide a droughtproof source of water to help maximise the trees’ annual seed yields and diversify land use in regional areas. 

Discovered : A new family of Black Swans on the upper reaches of Lake Somerset near Lester Kropp Bridge, Mount Archer.

Parents with six cygnets.

Would You Like to Share your unusual sightings of any wildlife or birds, insects, reptiles, flora or anything connected to Landcare at all that you might like to have published?.. .  send an email with details and photos to  so we can include it in our next publication.

Yowie Park Signage now in place in Yowie Park, Kilcoy – completing the 25th Anniversary Project .   QR Reader is incorporated onto the sign to facilitate access to the website or via mobile devices.

Brisbane Valley Kilcoy Landcare is also in the process of establishing a website which will make information on local events and workshops easily available to all.  An announcement will be made when the final stage is completed.


Landholders are advised that the invasive weed Fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) is a significant weed in Queensland. Fireweed is a declared pest under Queensland legislation.

 Native to southern Africa, fireweed is a daisy-like herb. Fireweed was first recorded in Australia in the Hunter Valley in 1918. It is thought to have arrived in the ballast of ships trading between Australia and Europe via Capetown. Fireweed spread slowly at first, but, in the past 30 years, has rapidly increased its range, most likely aided by modern transport and rural practices.

Fireweed competes with pasture and is toxic to livestock. It is found along the entire New South Wales coast and scattered across various regions of Queensland.

Fireweed can easily be mistaken for closely related, native Senecio species, particularly Senecio pinnatifolius and Senecio brigalowensis. Senecio brigalowensis is increasingly abundant and weedy in central Queensland from Roma to Rockhampton, and also causes cattle poisoning.

Fireweed is a restricted invasive plant under the Biosecurity Act 2014.

Quick Spray Unit  -Please note that all enquiries regarding the hire of the Quick Spray Unit are to go to the Somerset Shire Council 54224900. This unit has a 400 litre tank and two hoses to enable two people to spray at once.

BVK Landcare Date Claimers

Hiring Equipment

Hire equipment rule changes!

All hirees of the varied equipment available must now become members of BVK Landcare before Hiring. This is due to tax/non-profit status reasons.

Newly available is the Lantana Splatter Gun $10 a day for members, and $60 bond – contact David Matthews. Also available from the Hub is the wick wiper for Giant Rats Tail Grass, and the Yeoman’s Plough. The Quick spray unit is available from Somerset Regional Council.

Yeoman’s Plow

Fees for hiring of the plow are: $40 a day plus $6 per acre  for members.  Bond is $250.    The plow is presently in the Esk/Toogoolawah area. It will fit on the back of a ute or large trailer. Booking and hire agreements forms must be filled out prior to hiring the plow. It is becoming popular, so please book ahead at the Hub.


1 Comment

Rebecca Weaver

January 25, 2021 at 5:40 am

Hi, Just wondering if you still hire the Lantana Splatter Gun

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