Somerset Regional Council Meets with Local Businesses with Great Success – Media Release 15 March 2018
Category : General News
Somerset Regional Council Meets with Local Businesses with Great Success
Every Councillor, the CEO, Directors and other senior staff attended the “Greet and Meet” forum held at the Kilcoy Information Centre on Thursday 22nd February 2018. The two-hour forum informed approximately forty business proprietors about council structure and administration, local achievements, future plans and goals. The Mayor welcomed everyone and performed the role of Master of Ceremonies.
Cr Gaedtke has received a lot of positive feedback and it is clear that business proprietors are now looking forward to advancing the communication pathway.
Council authorised the upgrading of its Economic Development Plan and Investment Strategy in August 2014.
The 2015 – 2020 Somerset Economic Development Plan includes focus on growth in our region; regional challenges and opportunities; themes for economic development; business growth; tourism; capability building; infrastructure investment and making it all happen. A copy of the plan is available on council’s website.
An Implementation Working Group has been formed and is made up of Council, Kilcoy Chamber of Commerce, Somerset Region Business Alliance, and representatives from the business community. The group’s role is to implement and guide the plan by meeting regularly to review the progress and take forward new initiatives and make the most of available resources.
State Government has stated in the past, that Mayors and Councillors hold the key to regional economic success in Queensland. State Government see themselves as providing the supporting infrastructure and funding to assist Mayors and Councils do the things they need to do, and that its economic development policy will be about encouraging industry in those regional centres.
Most importantly, today we must all accept responsibility, and be supportive of economic growth and understand the benefits of this ongoing attitude. Attitudes that include shopping locally, possessing a happy and positive disposition, and selling our area to all we meet. Consider also the answers to the questions – Who are we?; What is our economy?; What are our problems and opportunities?; What are our strengths?; What do we want to be?; How do we get there?; What resources do we have and need?; Who is responsible?; How much does it cost?; and lastly, How do we know when we get there?
Cr Gaedtke said “Take on board the above points, and the experts tell us how easy it is to implement economic development with great success”. Cr Gaedtke appreciates this simple approach, however is aware of the implication of Town Planning Regulations, State Government Regulations, Development Application Fees and State Agency Referrals.