Personal Thank You from Cheryl Gaedtke – Councillor – Somerset Regional Council
Category : General News
How do you individually thank each and every person who voted for you?
I never expected to receive the number of votes that I did, so from the bottom of my heart I want to thank everyone who marked the ballot paper across from my name.
Sincere thanks to my “How to Vote Card” Supporters – Jo Jeppesen, Pamela Ham, Debbie and Linsie Dawes, Kevie Miller, Margaret Van Breemen, Naomi, Anne Barradeen, Margaret Leggett, Ron Beruschi, Don Barram, Elaine and Noel Kammholz, Suzy Robinson, Naomi Martin and John Gaedtke. Election Day was as the weather forecast – hot, and standing for most of the day made the hours go very slowly, so I understand and appreciate the invaluable assistance given freely by all of the people nominated above. I also wish to thank both local newspapers for your professionalism – a big thank you to Melissa (Kilcoy Sentinel Community News) and Scott (The Somerset).
My election campaign platform included values such as open and two way communication always, and I will ask you as residents of our region to ensure that I can always advocate for your needs. You can do this by contacting me and at times, you may wish to email me and include photographs to assist the communication process. I welcome your contact.
My contact details are: email:; phone: 0428 408 227; website:
Council Team – 2016 to 2020
Swearing In Ceremony – Post Election Meeting
Wednesday 13 April 2016