Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 October 2020

Cr Cheryl Gaedtke – Ordinary Meeting 14 October 2020

Category : General News

 Agenda Item # 5 Matters of Public Interest

 I would like to remind community members of the forthcoming Arts Queensland funded arts initiative.  On Friday 23rd October “Funny Mummies” a comedy showcase will be performed at the Somerset Civic Centre.  Empire Youth Theatre will be based at the Somerset Civic Centre for a six-week residency.  Flipside Circus will hold workshops in November.

Congratulations to the Lowood & Fernvale Community Bank Branch for another rewarding 2020 financial year.  A total of $33,561.00 was distributed throughout the Somerset region.  It has been acknowledged that this amount is representative of the cancellation of many community events due to COVID-19.  The branch has provided a massive 6% dividend on shareholder investments and over the ten years, invested $884,040 back into the Somerset region communities.

It is reassuring to learn that Kennedy Air has now positioned their Fire Boss firefighting aircraft to Watts Bridge, ready to support the QFES as required during the forthcoming summer fire season.

 Agenda Item # 47 Councillors’ Report


28           Meeting with Mr Jones and Ms Wheatstone – The Condensery, Toogoolawah

29           Kilcoy Interagency Meeting

29           ALGWA – Qld Branch AGM – zoom meeting


06           Kilcoy Tennis Club monthly meeting

07           Somerset Dam & District Progress Assn monthly meeting

08           Brisbane Valley Interagency Meeting

12           The Condensery – 5 year planning session

13           Consultation – Local Flood Management Plan – Kilcoy

A very important topic was discussed at the Kilcoy Interagency Meeting, whereby the provision of a community venue and home to many of the visiting services was supported by various service providers.  This initiative would provide a safe and inviting space for our community members to meet with relevant services.

Congratulations to all newly elected office and zone committee members who have put their hands up for the forthcoming year of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association – Queensland Branch, at their Annual General Meeting.

Residents have expressed their concerns again with the mistreatment of our waterways and environment.  This concern particularly relates to Savages Crossing and Twin Bridges areas.







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Cover for Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC
Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

Cheryl Gaedtke Retired SRC

I believe in open communication, active listening and a commonsense approach, ALWAYS!
After 39 years, 31 as staff and 2 terms as Councillor, I have enjoyed my journey and understand the importance of Local Government as the grass root level of government.

Farewell Yvonne Chapman. I remember meeting this woman who was not afraid to speak her mind many years ago. Kilcoy, Caboolture, Redcliffe and Pine Rivers Councils formed the collaboration of Moreton Bay, Coast and Country. A great working group. RIP Yvonne💕 ... See MoreSee Less
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Council has started removing some Cadaghi (Corymbia torelliana) trees from Yowie Park, Kilcoy.⚠️The trees are regarded as an environmental weed in South East Queensland because they are invasive, cause infrastructure damage, compete with endemic species and produce a sticky resin.To preserve the amenity of the park, Council will remove four trees initially and replace them with suitable shade-producing trees.This process will be repeated once the new trees are well established. ... See MoreSee Less
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A very informative meeting, with Somerset Regional Council's CEO Andrew Johnson, providing an overview of the strategic planning completed by council, and the ongoing objectives and goals for our new council team.Yesterday, the RDA Ipswich & West Moreton Committee had a fantastic meeting at the Fernvale Visitor Information Centre. We were joined by the newly elected Somerset Regional Councillors for a wonderful meet and greet session with our committee members. It was a lovely afternoon spent in beautiful Fernvale, filled with productive conversations and connection-building.Photo from left to right: Somerset Regional Council Deputy Mayor Cr Helen Brieschke, RDAIWM Katey Cochrane, RDAIWM Cheryl Gaedtke, RDAIWM CEO Rees Banks, RDAIWM Chair Janice Holstein, Somerset Regional Council CEO Andrew Johnson, Somerset Regional Council Cr Brett Freese, RDAIWM James Sturges, Lockyer Valley Regional Council and RDAIWM Cr Anthony Wilson, Somerset Regional Council and RDAIWM Cr Michael Bishop Somerset Region, Somerset Regional Council Cr Sally Jess, Somerset Regional Council Cr Tiara Hurley #RDAIWM #Fernvale #SomersetRegion #CommunityConnections #RegionalDevelopment ... See MoreSee Less
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