My three minute speech – Tenth Councillor Candidate of the Ballot Paper
Category : General News
I would like to share with you, as residents of our region, my three minute speech which is delivered at the Meet the Candidates Nights:
Mr Chairman, Fellow Candidates, Ladies & Gentlemen.
My name is Cheryl Gaedtke, and I am the tenth Councillor Candidate on the ballot paper.
The reason I am standing for Council is to achieve identified goals, and to improve the overall operation, and image of Council. I have the commitment to deal with conflicting demands, I have aspirations, and possess logical thinking, to secure the best results for the community as a whole. I am passionate about our region, and believe that we live in an area that has the potential to develop more successfully, with long term vision, an intellectual approach, a sincere attitude and sound management strategies.
There is a need to develop a strong partnership with all levels of government and as well as other local government, and adopt a communication pathway to avoid bad decision making. Bad decision making is alive and well, and we need to plan with our eyes open.
I commend Council on its achievements over the past term – However, there is always room for improvement.
Items that have made my radar include:
- Road Maintenance Policies
- Unsupportive & at times arrogant display of Attitude
- Management of Land Use and Sustainable Development
- Transport & Connection Between Towns and Major Cities
- Management of our Natural Environment
- Building a Strong Economic Base
- Strengthening Tourism
- Acknowledging that Agricultural Business and Industry is a major employer in our region
To enhance our region, future collaborative planning should include the feasibility of establishing:
- A higher Educational Facility
- An RV Friendly Home Base
- A Retirement Village, and other levels of Aged Care Facilities
- Regional Government Offices
And in addition:
- I want Councillors to actually listen to their Communities and Share Concern of the Smallest Issue
- I want Affordable Community Venues
- I want Each Councillor to Champion Planning Documents
- I want Council to continue Addressing the Social Needs of our Communities, in partnership with Other Levels of Government
- I want Better use of our Recreational Facilities, by examining the Performance of Current Management
- I want Council to continue to Reap the Benefits of a Strong Investment Strategy
- I want A Council that Supports One Another and Works As A Team
- I want this region to be Lead by its Board of Directors, and that is the Mayor & 6 Councillors
Operational Challenges for our Council include:
- Cost shifting from other government levels
- Maintaining current grant and subsidy allocations
In Conclusion
I invite you to contact me if you wish to discuss any Local Government related issue or just to say hello. I welcome feedback and I also welcome your point of view. As I have boasted in my election campaign Two Way Communication Always! Empowerment & Pride for the Region, for the People